As someone that travels a extensively, I'm always looking for ways to lighten the load and to streamline my workflow while on the road. Along with all my camera gear, I normally carry along a laptop so that I can edit images and transfer them to a client. That was before I made the decision to purchase a IPAD a few months back.
The first challenge, was finding the applications that can make the IPAD a viable part of my workflow. After experimenting with a handful applications over the last little while, I've actually come across a handful of need to have and a few nice to applications that have accomplished just about everything that I was striving.
For file access -
The first must have, a way to connect to the home-based system. Logmein serves the purpose nicely, giving you the ability to access applications and files from anywhere you have communications. Second on the list, Dropbox. With Dropbox you can upload your files and then pull them down to any computer you wish.
Image Editing -
I've played around with numerous applications along this line and have only found one thus far that allows me do what needs to be done as a traveling photographer, Filterstorm Pro. From a functionally standpoint, Filterstorm Pro allows you to edit the image, and metadata. It permits you to add keywords and titles, has a noise reduction function and if you want be a little creative, numerous filters to further enhance the image. Once finished, you can share the image or use then FTP feature like I do to send the images to client or directly into my archive service PhotoShelter. I would almost compare FP as a lite version of Adobe's Lightroom. It should be noted that when exporting a image the maximum file size on a IPAD2 is 22MP and the IPAD1 is 7.5MP.
Now, if all you want to do is share images with your family and friends on Facebook or Flickr then take a look at NIK's Snapseed. It is a image editing app only, has some very creative filters, but that's about all.
Other must haves -
Easy Release - Model release from ApplicationGap. If you plan to use you images for commercial purposes, then releases are a necessity. This application allows to obtain those releases right on your IPAD. You can edit the forms to meet your terms, model or property, insert a copy of the image, then have the release signed all from the IPAD. Afterwards, you can email the release to whomever.
When it come to outdoor photography lighting is everything. The Photographers Ephemeris (TPE) helps you plan out the track of the sun at any location on any day and at anytime during the day. Why is this important? Say you are planning a photography road trip for a specific geographic area that you've never been. By knowing when the sun rises and sets, the track of the sun you can determine where you should be positioned in order to get the proper shot. TPE allows to play around with your target and and places locators for you evaluate in order to determine where you should position yourself for the best opportunity to obtain the best shot possible. The application takes some time to get accustomed to, but can save you some time and potential frustration.
Some nice to have -
Golden Hour is a simple application to let you know when the sun is going rise and set and provides a map showing when it will hit your area.
If you are a photography newby or just need a little help in determining the best exposure you should using under various situations then take a look at Essence Computing's Exposure Calculator. It provides you with a chart on nearly everything situation you can imagine then shows you the proper exposure you should use. In addition, they have a Depth of Field application that does just that,
So there you have a few applications that you can use on your IPAD to make it a productive tool in the wonderful world of photography. By the way, sorry none of these applications are free and I know that there are applications coming out nearly everyday for the IPAD so there may be some new applications out there that I have not checked into.
As always, have fun and be careful out there.
Photography IPAD Applications
As someone that travels a extensively, I'm always looking for ways to lighten the load and to streamline my workflow while on the road. Along with all my camera gear, I normally carry along a laptop so that I can edit images and transfer them to a client. That was before I made the decision to purchase a IPAD a few months back.
The first challenge, was finding the applications that can make the IPAD a viable part of my workflow. After experimenting with a handful applications over the last little while, I've actually come across a handful of need to have and a few nice to applications that have accomplished just about everything that I was striving.
For file access -
The first must have, a way to connect to the home-based system. Logmein serves the purpose nicely, giving you the ability to access applications and files from anywhere you have communications. Second on the list, Dropbox. With Dropbox you can upload your files and then pull them down to any computer you wish.
Image Editing -
I've played around with numerous applications along this line and have only found one thus far that allows me do what needs to be done as a traveling photographer, Filterstorm Pro. From a functionally standpoint, Filterstorm Pro allows you to edit the image, and metadata. It permits you to add keywords and titles, has a noise reduction function and if you want be a little creative, numerous filters to further enhance the image. Once finished, you can share the image or use then FTP feature like I do to send the images to client or directly into my archive service PhotoShelter. I would almost compare FP as a lite version of Adobe's Lightroom. It should be noted that when exporting a image the maximum file size on a IPAD2 is 22MP and the IPAD1 is 7.5MP.
Now, if all you want to do is share images with your family and friends on Facebook or Flickr then take a look at NIK's Snapseed. It is a image editing app only, has some very creative filters, but that's about all.
Other must haves -
Easy Release - Model release from ApplicationGap. If you plan to use you images for commercial purposes, then releases are a necessity. This application allows to obtain those releases right on your IPAD. You can edit the forms to meet your terms, model or property, insert a copy of the image, then have the release signed all from the IPAD. Afterwards, you can email the release to whomever.
When it come to outdoor photography lighting is everything. The Photographers Ephemeris (TPE) helps you plan out the track of the sun at any location on any day and at anytime during the day. Why is this important? Say you are planning a photography road trip for a specific geographic area that you've never been. By knowing when the sun rises and sets, the track of the sun you can determine where you should be positioned in order to get the proper shot. TPE allows to play around with your target and and places locators for you evaluate in order to determine where you should position yourself for the best opportunity to obtain the best shot possible. The application takes some time to get accustomed to, but can save you some time and potential frustration.
Some nice to have -
Golden Hour is a simple application to let you know when the sun is going rise and set and provides a map showing when it will hit your area.
If you are a photography newby or just need a little help in determining the best exposure you should using under various situations then take a look at Essence Computing's Exposure Calculator. It provides you with a chart on nearly everything situation you can imagine then shows you the proper exposure you should use. In addition, they have a Depth of Field application that does just that,
So there you have a few applications that you can use on your IPAD to make it a productive tool in the wonderful world of photography. By the way, sorry none of these applications are free and I know that there are applications coming out nearly everyday for the IPAD so there may be some new applications out there that I have not checked into.
As always, have fun and be careful out there.
Posted at 10:41 AM in Articles, Comments, Current Affairs, Opinion, Photography, Travel | Permalink
Tags: applications, Digital Photography, Logmein
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